Benghazi Haccthon: The first haccthon in the city of Benghazi and the second on the history of Libya; which brings together dozens of programmers, designers and experts together to find real solutions facing us in our daily lives! Hakthoun’s Challenges This year, Benghazi faced the most important challenges in education, economy and governance. The event was organized on Saturday and Sunday 30 June and 1 July 2018 sponsored by Massey Libyana in partnership with ATIB – Al Sarai Trading and Investment Bank and and gold sponsorship by Tadawul Technology and Tatweer Research. Thank you to all creators for their contributions, thank you to the jury and supervisors, thank you to all our partners and sponsors of the event. Matnosch run Lake and Sheer and hugs your friends and prepare your spirit and be well-informed in the Haththon.) # Code4Bengo #BenghaziHackathon