ست سنوات، واو!

كأي صبيحة وأنا أتصفح الأخبار والمستجدات في هذا الصفيح الساخن من كوكب الأرض وجديد الأقطاب، كانت وقفة مع تدوينة لأحد الأصدقاء والزملاء ان صح التوصيف، تدوينة عن رحلته منذ النشوء فالتطور إلى ما نحن عليه اليوم، رحله ضمن ما أحببنا أن نسميها حينها هكسا كونكشن، فكانت لنا أكثر من وصلة وصلة. تيمنا بما كتب، وحبا…

A duel but of another type

Uh, when I started this series of blogs about some of our experiences in Hexa Connection for it’s its sixth anniversary, it originally began to a belief that the majority of our decisions and actions are in one way or another linked to our subconscious, our aspirations and dreams at a young age. Decisions that…

Reaching everyone

As a graduate of Al Jamahiriya schools, I always contemplated the saying painted on the walls of our schools “knowledge is a natural right for everyone” but unfortunately not everyone can access to knowledge in our school. I had an accident back in high school that put me in a wheelchair and so I because…

Six years, already! Wow!

Like any other usual morning and while I was surfing the internet for news from around our mother planet of earth I stopped at a friend’s and coworker’s blog about his journey since we started little and grew up to get to where we are today, his journey with what was once a mere thought…